People are thirsting over "Hot Hulk" in Avengers: Endgame and they're not wrong

29 April 2019, 19:01 | Updated: 8 August 2019, 12:42

Nicky Idika

By Nicky Idika

It's time to discuss Hot Hulk.

If you're anything like us, you're still recovering from the emotional roller coaster that was Avengers: Endgame. Following the straight up terror of Infinity War's Big Snap, it was good to see the gang back together doing what they do best. Captain America's ass got the attention it deserved (thank GOD) but The Hulk's understated hotness was the unsung hero of Avengers: Endgame.

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Hear me out. In Endgame, Bruce Banner and The Hulk merge and become one, as the hero combines his brains and his brawn to create "Hot" Professor Hulk.

Mark Ruffalo did a great job, as always, but there was just something about this new Hulk that had people hot under the collar. "Hot" Professor Hulk wears glasses, a cardigan, and, honestly, we're intrigued by his new look.

Avengers: Endgame hot Hulk
Avengers: Endgame hot Hulk. Picture: Marvel Studios/Trailer screenshot

Understandably, people on the internet realised they were attracted to "Hot Hulk" and, well, let he who is without thirst cast the first stone.

Not everyone was on the "Hot Hulk" train and I respect ya'lls opinion (though I wholeheartedly disagree)

Truthfully, this might just be a case of all of us waking up to the fact that Mark Ruffalo is fine as hell. Endgame giving us "Hot Hulk" is the creative choice that Marvel didn't have to make but one they made for the greater good.

Anyway, Hulk is hot. Case closed. Go argue with your reflection.